Sunday, June 26, 2011

Heading to London

Hi Everyone!  Jenny has set up a blog for me to chronicle my upcoming London adventures.  She also named the blog and therefore it needs explanation to anyone who has not been to London or ridden the tube (tube is the subway).  Every time the tube doors open, a British voices announces "Mind the Gap" so that you do not fall into the gap between the subway and the platform. The humor in this is that you hear it EVERY TIME the tube doors open.

I will be leaving Tuesday evening with 10 UNCC students to study abroad at Kingston University in Kingston Upon Thames outside London.  We will return July 30th.  The students will be taking 2 courses and I will be teaching one of them,  Juvenile Justice.  They will also be taking a British Culture class from a Kingston University professor.

I will try to be diligent in blogging my activities since Jenny went to the trouble to set up the blog. When I get there and get settled I will update.  Check back for more entries but don't be disappointed if they are sporadic!!

Cheerio!  (Rob made me say that!)

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