Sunday, July 10, 2011

Camden Market Day

Saturday morning several of us headed out for a day at the market. I wasn't sure what to expect but Charisse Coston had briefed me that this was a "must do".  She was right.  We went back into London via train and tube toward North London near the London Zoo.  I guess the best way to describe the market is eclectic, diverse, weird and way-out.  I think every facet of the human race that exists in London is represented at this market.  Everything from beautiful jewelry to ethnic food and clothing to purses, luggage, souveniers and anything Goth.  I'm sure I am missing something but that is my best assessment.  As Charisse said, you must see this amazing conglomeration of markets.

After returning to Kingston, we had dinner at a wonderful little Thai restaurant near Middle Mill called the Cocoanut (No, I didn't misspell it).  Here are some pics of the market and 4 of us at dinner.

Today is Sunday and I am doing laundry.  As soon as things open, Cathy (my friend from Montclair Univ.) and I will go into Kingston to go grocery shopping and look around.

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