Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday and Saturday

Two great days! Friday we went into London to see if we could get theatre tickets.  We really wanted to see Richard III with Kevin Spacey, but of course that was sold out.  We could have hung around the box office for a while, probably a long while, to see if anyone turned in their tickets.  But we decided not to chance it and went over to the National Theatre where we were able to get those "day of the performance" front row seats for a huge discount. After being successful with those plans, we decided to spend some time at the Tate Modern Museum.  It is a huge art museum with very interesting exhibits.  Several Picasso's in fact are housed there.  After that we walked to a great place for dinner that overlooked the Thames and then onto the theatre.  We saw "Emperor and Gailiean".  This was a huge epic drama set in Greece and the Middle East in 351 AD.  It is the story of Julian the Apostate who was the last non-Christian ruler of the Roman empire and his struggle with Christianity.

View of the Thames from our restaurant
My birthday cards

Saturday morning we went back into London to the Portobello Market.  It was huge market that went on and on for miles with food, clothing, souveniers, and antiques.  It is located in Nottinghill - no luck spotting Hugh Grant however we did see where George Orwell lived!

Here are some pics of that area.

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