Friday, July 29, 2011

Exams, London and "Leaving Party"

Thursday turned out to be a very busy day!  We finished up the British Culture Class in the morning with lectures on British film and music.  Then Dr. Woods gave the students until 2:00pm to study for their final.  I headed back to my room intending to read student papers...when my flat mate, Cathy knocked on my door with a brilliant idea - one more trip into London.  We would have to be back in time for the party at 7:00 but we could fit in one more adventure.  So we headed out for one last train and tube ride to the British Museum of Natural History and Covent Gardens.  The museum was outstanding. The exhibits were great but the architecture of the building itself was unique enough just to see!  There was quite a focus on Darwin, as you could imagine with much of his work and specimens on display.  There were dinosaurs, fossils, etc. - so much to see!

We realized our time was getting short so we headed for the tube to go to Covent Gardens.  Covent Gardens is the home of the Royal Opera House along with many shops, markets, cafes and restaurants.  Street performers are numerous and the whole experience is quite entertaining.
Realizing we better head back to make the party on time, we left for the train station.  We barely made it back in time to change clothes and head to the party.

And what a party it was!!  The food was delicious.  The wine was great and everyone seemed to have a super time.  We enjoyed a nice buffet meal and the awards for the "Photo frenzy" competition from the first day.  Then the DJ cranked up and everyone started dancing.  My friend Cathy and I left around midnight and they were still going strong!  Hopefully everyone will get their papers to me by noon today.....hmmm. (They have known about the assignment since day 1!)  Anyway it was a great party and send-off for everyone.

Tomorrow is travel day and I'm being picked up by a cab at 5:00am to meet the bus at Seething Wells to go to the airport.  Seven of the ten students are on my flight which leaves at 9:40 nonstop to Charlotte by 1:36 pm. Hopefully that will be smooth with NO delays this time.  I will try to take one or two last pictures as we leave tomorrow. 

Bye for now. I have to go print my boarding pass, grade papers and pack!  Enjoy the pics from yesterday and last night!

That's me with Charles Darwin!
Pictures from the museum

Pics from the Party!

1 comment:

  1. See you did make it to London! Can't wait to see you a week from tomorrow!!!!!
