Wednesday, July 20, 2011


OK, let me set up this scenario.  Got in late last am dragging into class a little later than my usual 8:40...slid my ID in the security slot...but the door was partially open???  I stepped into the classroom and SURPISE!!!  My students had planned and perfectly implemented a surprise birthday party for me this morning!!!! My birthday is actually tomorrow so I was completely thrown off.  They were all blowing noisemakers and yelling AARGH at the same time. (I'll explain that in a minute).  I was so surprised and pleased that they went to so much trouble just for my silly old person's birthday.  There was cake and sparkling cider (non-alcoholic for the school rule followers), flowers, fairy princess napkins and plates, a beautiful card, cheesecake for later and washcloths  (private joke: Brits don't believe in washcloths)  and pirate eye patches.  They constantly amaze me with their thoughtfulness!  I think they have been taking care of me more than I have been taking care of them!   Oh and back to the pirate accessories... apparently there was some disagreement as to what the party theme should be:  Fairy Princesses or they did both! AWESOME!  I love you guys!  Thank you so much!!!

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