Friday, July 1, 2011

First day of class at Kingston

Today, Friday, we actually did something that resembled class.  After "dashing" (British word) out an email to my students to let them know when and where we would be meeting, they actually did show up this morning at 10:00am at the right place.  I, however, was late because I let myself be talked into a "shortcut" by a well-meaning fellow prof who was here last summer.  Anyway, after comparing stories of our travels, etc. we settled into covering a little material.  Then we were treated to a lunch given by Kingston and I must say that so far, the food has been really good.  After lunch I sat in on the British Culture class that will be making several field trips and excursions.  Actually our first one will be Tuesday when we take a boat ride down the Thames to Hampton Court Palace (Court of Henry VIII).  I will be teaching again on Monday.

That's about it for today.  I am waiting on some folks to return from London to go to dinner.  The profs and students from Montclaire University art department are setting up an art exhibit in London this afternoon.

More later...

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