Sunday, July 31, 2011


This will be my last post to this blog because....we are home!  Seven of the ten students were on my flight back to Charlotte Saturday. One student stayed behind to travel a bit more, another student flew out of Heathrow and a third student stayed over one more night. We had to leave very early to make sure we were at the airport in plenty of time.  I was picked up by cab at Middle Mill at 4:55 AM and taken over to Seething Wells to meet the bus to the airport. We headed to airport around 5:30, got checked in and then had some time to kill before our flight was scheduled to leave.  We actually took off on time, had a very pleasant flight and arrived in Charlotte ON TIME.  Imagine that! 

Thanks to everyone at Kingston  University and UNCC that made this trip possible!  It was fantastic!

Loading the bus!

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