Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday - a day of rest - sort of

Saturday, We had a great day by first going to the Goldsmith University to finish setting up their exhibit.  Then we had a nice lunch and headed toward the Royal College of Art's exhibition near Hyde Park.  This was amazing exhibit of the work of the students of the Royal College, the most prestigious art school in England(?). 

We then headed toward our Theater destination to see the hilarious play, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" which was playing at the Theatre Royal Haymarket near Picadilly.  Suffice it to say that when we left the theater last night, there were more people on the streets of London than I could ever imagine were on the streets of New York on New Year's Eve.!!!  It was wall-to-wall humanity. As a result, they closed several of the tube entrances (the ones we wanted to use) to divert people to the outer tube entrances.  SO we walked for about an hour looking for an open tube entrance to take us to our train back to Kingston. Time was ticking and we were afraid we would miss the last train back.  Sometimes there were so many people in the street, you didn't move at all.  Finally we found one and boarded the tube with about 2 million people doing the same thing.  We finally got to Waterloo station to catch our train back home.  I must say I am now indoctrinated to the EXTREMELY colorful nightlife of London...

So today I decided to give London a break, explore more of Kingston, do a little laundry and prep for tomorrow.  I do have to teach a little bit too!  Anyway, all is well.

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